historical harps
Six harps at the time of Bach

Around the Harp Consorts of W. Lawes
Released for the label Brilliant Classics , the first album of the ensemble Il Caleidoscopio is starring the english composer William Lawes and his Harp Consorts. The instruments employed are the violin , the viola da gamba , the theorbo and the harp, respectively played by Lathika Vithanage , Noelia Reverte Reche , Michele Pasotti and Flora Papadopoulos . The ensemble performs a large selection of these pieces , together with a few other pieces by composers such as William Byrd , John Dowland , John Playford , Christopher Simpson and Matthew Locke .

Daniele Caminiti photography
Flora Papadopoulos was born and raised in Athens, where she started to study the harp with Maria Bildea.
After having moved to Italy, she completed her modern harp studies at the Conservatory of Parma with Emanuela Degli Esposti, and from 2008 she dedicated herself to mastering early harps. First she studied with Véronique Musson Gonneaud in Paris, and later, with the assistance of a Marco Fodella Foundation scholarship, Flora pursued her baroque harp Master’s degree with Mara Galassi at the Civica Scuola di Musica “Claudio Abbado” in Milan.
In 2006 she achieved a Bachelor’s degree with honors at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Parma, and later a Master’s degree in Musicology from the University La Sorbonne of Paris.
As a basso continuo player, her collaborations include ensembles and orchestras such as Accademia Bizantina (O.Dantone), Balthasar Neumann Orchestra & Choir (Th. Hengelbrock ), Musiciens du Prince (G. Capuano), Concerto Italiano (R. Alessandrini), L'Arpeggiata (Ch. Pluhar), I Barocchisti (D. Fasolis), Ensemble Matheus (J. Ch. Spinosi), Cappella Mediterranea (L. Garcia Alarcòn), il Pomo d'oro (F. Corti), Concerto Romano (A. Quarta), Ensemble Arte musica (F. Cera), l'Arte dell'arco (F. Guglielmo), la Cetra (M. Steger), Mare Nostrum(A. De Carlo), Auser Musici(C. Ipata), Musica Temprana(A.Van der Spoel), Il Teatro del Mondo(A. Küppers), and many more.
She has performed in prestigious concert halls including the Carnegie Hall of New York, Opéra Garnier of Paris, the Opéra of Versailles, Haus für Mozart of Salzburg, Theater An der Wien of Vienna, Wien Konzerthaus, Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, Megaron of Athens, Tchaikovsky Hall of Moscow, Beijing Center of the Performing Arts and many more.
She is part of , an italian ensemble founded by Franco Pavan and with Pino De Vittorio, specialized in the research of lost musical traditions of southern Italy. With them she has recorded ''Occhi Turchini, songs of an island'' and "Ninna Nanna" for Glossa.
With her group, , she has recorded an album around the Harp Consorts by William Lawes, produced by Brilliant Classics.
She has also taken part in many recording projects for Harmonia Mundi, MDG, Brilliant Classics, Glossa, Ricercar.
With Mara Galassi she has a harp duo on historical instruments, exploring the different sonorities of harps in use during the 18th century. Their album Davidsharfen was recently released for Glossa.
She released for the label Arcana Outhere her first solo album named Unwritten : Bach, Biber, Corelli, Marini from violin to harp. This programme was performed in many festivals all over Europe.
Since September 2022 she is teaching historical harps at the Schola Cantorum - Musik Akademie of Basel.
Apart from her activity as a continuo player in orchestras and big ensembles, Flora likes to carry on some projects that are more personal, collaborating with smaller groups where the harp can express itself in a different way, as a solo or a concertato instrument.
with Andrea Vassalle, harp & violin duo

Laboratorio '600, dir. Franco Pavan

with Riccardo Pisani, tenor, and Ricercare Antico
Capella Juvenalis pro Musiqua Antiqua - Musica Temprana - Adrian van der Spoel
January 20, 2017
Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw
Il canto del Sud - Laboratorio '600 - Franco Pavan
January 28, 2017
Wien, Konzerthaus
L'Orfeo di C.Monteverdi - Concerto Italiano - R. Alessandrini
February 01, 2017
Barcelona, Auditori
L'Incoronazione di Poppea di C.Monteverdi - Concerto Italiano - R. Alessandrini
February 20, 2017
New York, Carnegie Hall
L'Orfeo di C.Monteverdi - Concerto Italiano - R. Alessandrini
March 06, 2017
Australia, Adelaide Festival
L'Orfeo di C.Monteverdi - Concerto Italiano - R. Alessandrini
March 08, 2017
Shanghai, Opera House
L'Orfeo di C.Monteverdi - Concerto Italiano - R. Alessandrini
March 10, 2017
Beijing, National Centre for the performing arts
Il Girello di Jacopo Melani - Auser Musici - Carlo Ipata
March 17, 2017
Pistoia, Teatro Manzoni
Il Girello di Jacopo Melani - Auser Musici - Carlo Ipata
March 18, 2017
Pistoia, Teatro Manzoni
Renaissance Music concert - Ex Silentio - Dimitris Kountouras
March 30, 2017
Athens, Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center
Renaissance Music concert - Ex Silentio - Dimitris Kountouras
March 31, 2017
Athens, Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center
Gemini - Musica Ficta - Raul Mallavibarrena
April 15, 2017
Spain, Festival de Musica Religiosa de Cuenca
Handel, Vivaldi, Telemann, arie e concerti - Ensemble Matheus - J.C. Spinosi
April 16, 2017
Cracow, Misteria Paschalia
Nabucco di M. Falvetti - Cappella Mediterranea - L. G. Alarcon
April 27, 2017
De Singel, Antwerp, BE
Nabucco di M. Falvetti - Cappella Mediterranea - L. G. Alarcon
April 28, 2017
Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Carte blanche à l'Ensemble Matheus - J.C. Spinosi
April 30, 2017
Saint Malo, Palais du Grande Large
Nabucco di M. Falvetti - Cappella Mediterranea - L. G. Alarcon
May 01, 2017
Opera de Lille
Nabucco de M. Falvetti - Cappella Mediterranea - L. G. Alarcon
May 02, 2017
Opera de Dijon
Il Diluvio Universale di M. Falvetti - Cappella Mediterranea - L. G. Alarcon
May 06, 2017
Genève, Victoria Hall
Il Diluvio Universale di M. Falvetti - Cappella Mediterranea - L. G. Alarcon
May 08, 2017
Auditorium, Lyon
Florilège des 20 ans! - Ensemble Matheus - J.Ch. Spinosi
June 02, 2017
Festival de Froville
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Laude, Canzoni, Jephte di G. Carissimi - Concerto Romano - A. Quarta
10 Mar 2018
Cattedrale di Lugano, Festival Vesperali
Lacrimae Mulierum - Il Caleidoscopio Ensemble & Francesca Cassinari
19 Mar 2018
Capilla del Palacio Real de Madrid - Festival International de Arte Sacro
Barocke Flötenmusik - Sabrina Frey
14 Apr 2018
Abendkonzert Dübendorf, Zurich
Handel, Esther Oratorio - Teatro Comunale di Ferrara - N. Valentini
19 Apr 2018
Teatro Comunale di Ferrara
Purcell, Fairy Queen - Latinitas Nostra - M. Chryssikopoulos
26 Apr 2018
Greek National Opera
27 Apr 2018
Greek National Opera
28 Apr 2018
Greek National Opera
04 May 2018
Greek National Opera
05 May 2018
Greek National Opera
10 May 2018
Greek National Opera
11 May 2018
Greek National Opera
Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice - I Barocchisti - D. Fasolis
21 May 2018
Theatre des Champs Elysées
24 May 2018
Theatre des Champs Elysées
26 May 2018
Theatre des Champs Elysées
27 May 2018
Theatre des Champs Elysées
30 May 2018
Theatre des Champs Elysées
01 Jun 2018
Theatre des Champs Elysées
04 Jun 2018
Palau de la Musica, Barcelona
06 Jun 2018
Opéra Royale de Versailles
07 Jun 2018
Opéra Royale de Versailles
Calabrisella - Laboratorio '600 e Pino de Vittorio, Franco Pavan
08 Jun 2018
Musikfestspiele Potsdam
Gluck, Orfeo ed Euridice - I Barocchisti - D. Fasolis
09 Jun 2018
Opéra Royale de Versailles
Carte Blanche à Matheus - Ensemble Matheus - J.Ch. Spinosi
19 Jun 2018
Abbaye de Saint Germain des Près, Paris
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